Wednesday, April 26, 2017

URSP Student Connor Reid Studies and Evaluates American History Narratives Regarding the Plymouth Colony

My name is Connor Reid. I’m a sophomore here at GMU majoring in Government and International Politics and minoring in Religious Studies. Since I was young, I have always had an interest in history, and through OSCAR I have been given an excellent opportunity to explore this interest. This semester I am studying American historical narratives regarding the Plymouth Colony and evaluating those narratives by utilizing under-studied comprehensive town records of Plymouth Colony settlements. 

My project involves reading and identifying important passages to contribute to a larger narrative of the Plymouth Colony. To achieve this, I have been going a book of records ever two or so weeks, and regulary meeting with my mentor for questions or clarification. So far, my greatest discovery has been learning first-hand just how much life changed in the Plymouth Colony over time – outside changes were rapid and the Pigrims were forced to increasingly adapt to the new world around them. 
This project has allowed me to expand possibilities after GMU and gives me valuable analytical, research, and writing skills that would be useful in almost any career or graduate program post-graduation, and I am very thankful to OSCAR for this opportunity.