Monday, April 3, 2017

Research Assistant Danielle Melton Studies the Methods and Coping Strategies of NGO Repression in China

This year I have been working with Professor Toepler to study the methods of NGO repression in China and the coping strategies Chinese NGOs use to get around them. I have been reading a wide variety of journal articles and continue to look for both qualitative and quantitative studies that can give insight into this issue.

I am a Government and International Politics major with a Chinese minor and have been lucky enough to have studied abroad in China and will soon be returning to China to do so again. I am continuing to focus on Chinese studies in my class and independent work and have a previous background in the policies of global humanitarian work so this project was a perfect match for me.

Through this project, I have had an opportunity to expand my areas of research and learn more about Chinese politics and policy. The 2017 Overseas NGO Law restricts the ability for NGOs to register in China, limits the ability to receive foreign funding, and requires strict reporting. Despite this policy, which is only one method of NGO suppression in China, civil society is developing. Studying both the methods of repression and methods of coping, will give insight into the strength and movement of Chinese civil society and the country as a whole. I hope to continue my research next year and continue to delve into the intricacies of Chinese policy and civil society in the future.