Greetings! My name is Ammara Khursheed, and I am freshman
honors college student majoring in Community Health with a minor in Conflict
Analysis and Resolution. During the course of this school year, I have had the
honor of working with Dr. Seth Kaplan and PhD Student Martin Biskup. I conduct
weekly database searches to locate studies for a meta-analysis examining
affective experiences inside, and beyond, the workplace. More specifically, we
are investigating momentary mood, stress, and meaning at both work and other
locations. Working as a research assistant has given me the opportunity to
increase my knowledge of industrial/organizational psychology. This position
has helped me learn how to manage my time and improve my concentration. It has
also increased the capacity with which I am able to conduct scholarly research.
This experience has helped me to grow exponentially as a researcher and will
benefit me by offering me a firm foundation from which I can spring into
research as an honors student and possibly through the Undergraduate Research
Scholars Program.