For me, school mobility has always
been very personal. Growing up in a military family, I moved eight times, attended nine schools, and lived on three continents. In an effort to better understand both my
own experiences and those like me, I dove into literature attempting to
unravel two main questions. The first, who is moving? Next, how are mover’s different
from non-movers? While there is a long-standing belief that school mobility has
negative consequences on academic performance and school completion, there
seems to be subpopulations such as the Department of Defense dependents who
continue to maintain an average or above average grade in class and graduate
with a high school diploma. For this reason, I am examining child-level
predictors of school mobility in middle school students.
a weekly basis, I meet with either my mentor, Dr. Adam Winsler, to discuss
progress and feedback on my latest thesis revision, or with graduate students
to work on making variables or learning how to run data analyses. Throughout
this process, I’ve discovered how to conduct chi-squared tests for my
categorical variables (demographics, primary exceptionality status, and
elementary school retention) and t-tests for my continuous variables (school
readiness variables and Grade 5 academic performance). I am currently in the
process of interpreting the descriptive statistics and bivariate analyses to
write a first draft of my results and discussion section. In addition to this,
I am preparing for two poster presentations at which to disseminate my findings
– the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research and the Association for
Psychological Science.
this opportunity to conduct my own independent honors thesis, engage with
experts in the field, bring awareness to school mobility, and contribute to the
general body of knowledge has been a great privilege. It has given me training
in statistical software, professional communication skills, and research
experience; thereby, preparing me immensely for pursuing a MD-PhD program
specializing in psychiatry and French.