Monday, September 11, 2017

OSCAR Student Chra Darkish Aims to Advance the Understanding of Personality Ideals before the Selfie

Hi, I am Chra Darwesh, a junior Government & Politics student. My research project aims to try to advance the understanding of ways in which personality ideals were redefined or maintained before the rise of the "selfie". I utilize existing studies, like David Riesman's famous Lonely Crowd, and primary materials dealing with concepts like modesty, self-esteem, gratitude and narcissism. I am hoping that conclusions from this research project will help provide information and a better understanding of American Culture and the various variables shifting overtime that gives society its character.

I began my research ventures during my senior year of high school working on a senatorial reelection campaign and my interest only peaked from there. Going into my first couple of years at George Mason, various opportunities led me to the works of Dr. Peter Stearns and looking at his widespread accomplishments I was amazed at how someone could venture so far out from their field of work inspiring and encouraging me to be more creative and open-minded when looking at different works. On a weekly basis I am looking for data as well as configuring studies already done with ones currently being worked on while attending weekly meetings to keep up to date with other ongoing projects in my group alongside of touching in and making progress reports with Dr. Stearns.

This project has shown me that there are many ways to interpret data and a lot of pieces can be argued and seen both ways for example while a peeking graph might mean the increase of an x variable, it could also be shown as a decrease of a y variable. I am looking forward to seeing where my findings will lead and am excited to continue to conduct original research hopefully adding something to the field for the university.