Wednesday, April 3, 2013

URSP Highlight: Yousef Fazel

 Spring 2013 URSP participant Yousef Fazel:

Before taking part in my research I had several past experiences. I first took part in bioinformatics research, but I realized that my programing skills were sub par and the project was very slow progress as a result. I continued with bench lab research and I didn’t enjoy that much either. My passion has always been being in the hospital and being near patient care. Last year I finally started doing clinical research at the Inova neuroscience research office.

            This research experience is very well suited for me considering my long term goals. As a prospective medical student I have an early start with clinical research. I learn more about the human physiology through my research, but I also learn a lot by being around other students who also have interesting projects. The lab provides a very academic environment that promotes learning. In the future these observations we make in the lab will give me an edge over other physicians.

            On a weekly basis the project differs. The first step is do design the project and submit it for approval from the IRB. This part is actually very difficult because the IRB requires the researcher to know a great deal about the project before starting. After obtaining IRB approval, I begin data collection from the patient charts. My project is a retrospective study and I collect data from the Hospitals electronic medical records. After obtaining all the necessary data I begin doing statistical analysis on the data.

            Each week something new is learned. For example this week I was finally able to observe how a stroke patient with hemiparesis preforms a simple task as clapping as the patient’s ability to preform the Eastchester clapping sign was assessed. The learning process with this research experience has been very rewarding.