Preforming this research is vital to my long-term goals because I plan to attain my PhD so that I can research quorum sensing as my career. This research is providing valuable experience and lessons for when I attend grad school.
In terms of a usual week schedule, I would go into the lab Monday through Friday for a few hours before classes. I culture my bacteria, make plates, autoclave everything, make crude methanolic extracts, and then see if the extract worked through minimum inhibition concentration assays. Not necessarily in that order. I usually can only do one test a week because it takes a day to culture the bacteria, a day to do the experiment, then one more day to record results and by then the week is over. Now I say, “I would go into lab” because I am no longer due to the fact that I am currently waiting for a specific bacterial strain from England. Therefore, one thing I can say I’ve discovered this term is how long international shipping takes. I have been anxiously waiting for my bacteria for almost a month and can’t wait to take it into my lab and get back to work before the semester is over.