My weekly work is constantly changing. At the beginning of my project I focused on research. I began by compiling a list of all significant flood events in the region. I was initially hoping to assemble enough photographic and narrative evidence to be able to map flood extents. I quickly discovered that many flood events lacked the historical records to make this possible. On the other hand, my research did lead to quantitative data about many of these floods. I began indexing this data into a database in attempt to compile all relevant information in one place. With the backbone of my database completed, my current weekly goals are refining the database and gathering information on how to put my database online for people to view. Once this is completed I am hoping to return to the original purpose of my project and attempt to capture field data in order to map at least one historic flood.
This project has pushed me out of my comfort zone in a good way. I am constantly being challenged in my skill set and creativity. One of the unexpected things I have dealt with is the evolution of my project and the flexibility necessary to adapt.