During the research process, I spend a lot of time reading previous articles written on the topic in order to understand the current scope of knowledge related to the subject. I also recently returned from a trip to Japan where I began my interviews. I was able to conduct several interviews and create ties in the expat community in order to reach more participants for my research. The biggest thing I have learned through this experience is just how challenging qualitative data collection can be. Having to rely on others to be willing to participate in my study has had a big impact on my research design. I have had to alter my plans accordingly, but it has shown me the importance of adaptability, and having empathy for your participants.
Since this is my first independent research project, it has been an extremely valuable experience for me. I have gotten a taste of what research is like and learned a lot about the creation and conducting of research studies. As a Global Affairs major with a concentration in Global Economy and Management, I have also been able to learn about the process of internationalization in the workplace. With the Tokyo 2020 Olympics quickly approaching, Japan is aiming to greatly increase the number of foreign workers within the country – I myself want to work in Japan in the future as well. I hope my research can be used to help ease the process of integration for foreign workers in Japan. In the future, I also hope to expand on my topic and explore the experiences of expat working in different industries as well.