This research has the potential to greatly support my educational and professional goals as I am committed to working with families, youth, and young adults, especially those involved in correctional facilities. Therefore, I would like to work with families, young adults, children, and/or juvenile correctional facilities in the future.
The work I complete on a weekly basis changes depending on what needs to be completed that week. Thus far, I have organized the data, coded pre-and post-tests to better aid the analysis of the research, input the data into Excel, and reviewed the Excel spreadsheet for data quality assurance. Subsequently, I will input the data into SPSS for quantitative testing so that I may then analyze the results. I also meet with my mentor several times a week to discuss my project; she is in fact my professor for my social work research class.
Conducting research throughout this semester has taught me that the research process can be tedious. Tasks that I thought would take me an hour or so to complete, have taken me several hours to finish. In addition, thanks to my mentor and project, I have come to love research and I want research to be incorporated in my life throughout my professional career.