e lab and began to process the samples identifying relevant species of insects and discarding nonrelevant and finally tallying up each individual and species. This project originally interested me because it had to do with animal decomposition. I am a forensics science major with previous experience working in decomposition studies so I felt this project would make me more familiar with other aspects of forensic science and decomposition analysis. In relation to my long term goals, I want to become a pathologist in the future after going to medical school. This research may assist me in coming up with a dissertation for med school as giving me knowledge that may assist me in future endeavors. During the completion of this project I discovered that entomology like other fields of forensic science take time to master and require vast man hours to understand as well. It gave a new perspective on the work that goes along with forensic science and the importance of insect succession. It also taught me about ecological surveying which is an interesting topic as well.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
OSCAR Student Peter Nieves Researches Insects and Post Mortem Succession
e lab and began to process the samples identifying relevant species of insects and discarding nonrelevant and finally tallying up each individual and species. This project originally interested me because it had to do with animal decomposition. I am a forensics science major with previous experience working in decomposition studies so I felt this project would make me more familiar with other aspects of forensic science and decomposition analysis. In relation to my long term goals, I want to become a pathologist in the future after going to medical school. This research may assist me in coming up with a dissertation for med school as giving me knowledge that may assist me in future endeavors. During the completion of this project I discovered that entomology like other fields of forensic science take time to master and require vast man hours to understand as well. It gave a new perspective on the work that goes along with forensic science and the importance of insect succession. It also taught me about ecological surveying which is an interesting topic as well.