My research focuses
on a single project that is being implemented in Africa. Due to my inability to
travel to Africa this semester, my research concentrates on analyzing project
reports, legal documents, and electronic media sources on my topic. On a weekly
basis, I search through these documents—a very time consuming task—and analyze
the implementation of projects, determine whether or not the projects sought to
change public policies in the countries I am studying, and analyze the reaction
of civil society to the implementation of such projects. As I find this
information, I utilize a process-tracing technique to effectively tie together
all of these components to provide a basis for causal inference.
This week, and
every week since developing this project idea, I discovered that completing
academic research that involves analyzing the actions of private companies,
even when they are partners with public organizations, is very difficult. This
is because oftentimes data and reports on projects conducted by private
partners are not always easily accessible. While this has highlighted the
limitations of certain types of research, and made completing my project
challenging, it has also made me more excited to continue exploring these difficult