FWS Student Highlights: Jonathan McCoy
My name is Jonathan
McCoy and I’ve been working as an OSCAR Research Assistant for the Roy
Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. I primarily work directly with
Jennifer Rosenfeld, the Associate Director of Educational Projects on a number
of projects. I also do some work with Kelly Schrum, the Director of Educational
Projects, and Chris Preperato, the Multimedia Developer. On a daily basis, I do
work on developing and designing course material for the graduate level Digital
Public Humanities Graduate Certificate course. Not only that, but I do work on
several other programs and outside projects. One upcoming program begins this
summer. Graffiti Houses: The Civil War
from the Perspective of Individual Soldiers sponsored by CHNM and the
National Endowment for the Humanities allows for teachers all across the United
States to come together and learn about the Civil War through the drawings and
sketches of soldiers in Northern Virginia. On this project I reached out to
promote for the program and helped to enter the applications of over 100
potential candidates to be reviewed by Jennifer and the Director of CHNM. With
my time at CHNM I have learned a great deal of skills including some coding
with HTML and PHP through Omeka and Drupal as well as learning the basics of
Wordpress. I believe that these skills will help me to be more marketable to
employers in the future and I hope to continue to do great work with CHNM.