Thursday, October 10, 2019

STIP Student Dastan Delarmen Mimics the Extracellular Matrix using Hydrogels.

I have always had a keen interest in cancer biology and truly enjoy learning about different topics in it. I have worked on different research projects on breast cancer and ovarian cancer during my high school and undergraduate, which further fueled my interest. I am a Biology major with a minor in Bioengineering. My goal is to integrate my Biology background with engineering aspects to do further research on cancer treatments. 

In my weekly basis, I worked on making mimics of the extracellular matrix using hydrogels in the lab and every so often interviewed professionals in the cancer treatment field. Working in the lab has allowed me to use different techniques and knowledge on how to synthesize the hydrogels as well as learn from each trial and error during my experiments. I also gained a lot of crucial information by meeting with oncologists, surgeons and nurse practitioners. Interviews conducted with professionals determined the issues with current cancer treatments and limitations on nanotechnology-based drug delivery system. 

I’ve enjoyed every moment that I worked on this project. My mentors have very supportive and helped me throughout this project. I have discovered much knowledge by working in the lab and interviewing professionals. I got fascinated by how Bioengineers could play a crucial role in developing materials and devices which aid in cancer research. I plan on continuing this research further in the future and hopefully, we would be able to make a difference by bringing a new beneficial method in cancer treatment.