Monday, October 28, 2019

STIP Student Yuanqi Du Explores Novel Wireless Sensor to Recognize American Sign Language

Hi, my name is Yuanqi Du, an international student majoring in computer science and joined the 2019 summer impact project. Our topic was American Sign Language (ASL) Recognition. Actually, this was not my first time to get involved in a research project, I’ve been working with one professor on a data mining related project prior to it. And I really enjoyed analyzing data. The most interesting part of this project was that we would use a novel wireless sensor to recognize ASL including the whole process of data collection and data analysis. There was only limited work had been done using the wireless sensor which meant that we would explore a new and specific way to collect, process and analyze the data. Though it was challenging, it was really intriguing. Also, the project would help bridge the gap between ASL users and non-ASL users.
With regard to my long-term goals, I am planning to pursue a PhD degree after this project because I found I really enjoyed the process of research and I learned a lot from my mentors by colloquiums. I learned what different research community was working on and how they tackled their problems. It was really attractive for me to continue doing research in my future life. And I start dreaming to be a professor who can share knowledge, experiences with others and contribute to the human’s development. We always made our weekly plan and stage plan during the summer. We had meetings with our mentors regularly (about three times a week), and we also had meeting within group every day. We shared our new findings, discussed about challenges and made new plans together.
If I am asked that the one thing I discovered during the project, I would say that it is exploring. Even before the project started, I’ve been thinking that what the data would look like, what challenge we would face and how we were going to tackle them. However, things looked so different from what I’ve imagined. I’ve been confused, lost, frustrated at that time. But I felt more motivated because I like to solve problems. When we met a problem, we would make a brainstorming to make proposals. And then, we tried the proposed solutions, it did not work, we analyzed the reasons of failure and we tried a new one, keep going and going. And eventually, we found the solution that worked. Personally, I really like the way of exploring things like this. Our mentors were more experienced than us, but they also did not know the real answer of our research questions. It was like we were not just an assistant, we were like co-workers who were exploring the world together. So, the one thing that I discovered in this journey was Exploration.