STIP Student Preston Hudgins Improves the Health and Fitness of Firefighters in Prince William COunty
Hello, my name is Preston Hudgins and I am currently a Kinesiology major. My research project initially interested me because I have a great
respect for first responders, as they are not appreciated enough for the job that they perform.
Another thing that interested me about the project was to work with the faculty that were in charge of
the program. I could see myself working with first responders in the future, as
the level of fitness in this population is very low and needs to be improved upon. On a weekly basis, I would have meetings with the entire
project group where we would discuss exercise programming, research for our
project, and corrective exercises. After the meeting, we would have our weekly fitness testing
appointments. We tested the participants in a number of tests, including a movement screen,
quality of life survey, anthropometric measures, and fitness tests. After all of the appointments have finished, I
had to write a fitness report for each participant. Based on the fitness report, I would then write an exercise program for each subject and send it to my mentor for proofreading. On top of
that, I had to research fitness in firefighters and craft a synthesis matrix full of
sources. During this term, I discovered many things. Among
those was how to effectively exercise program, and how to run certain fitness tests, how to write a
synthesis matrix, how to craft an effective research poster, and how to write a
fitness report. This project has been very beneficial to me and has taught me many things along the way. I would like to thank OSCAR for the wonderful opportunity this summer!