URSP Student Ronald Bacon Examines the Organic Matter Composition of Fluvial Particles in the Pohick Creek Sub-basin of the Potomac River
My father ever since I
was young has had a fish tank at first it was a freshwater tank but when I was
about 10 years old, he converted it to a saltwater tank. Having these tanks in
the house growing up inspired my fascination with marine life, in particular
corals reefs and their inhabitants. While maintaining a coral tank myself and
enduring the trials and tribulations that follow I gained a deep appreciation
for the chemistry that is involved in simulating an environment that is
conducive to a coral reefs health. When
I was taking a class with Dr. Foster and he mentioned that he was an aquatic
chemist I immediately knew I wanted to run some thoughts I had from my experience
with my own tank and the issues that plague reefs today. I went after class one
day to his office and we started a conversation that would lead to a project
that focuses on looking at an aquatic environment and what variables can
possibly be altered by anthropogenic effects.
The project may not be focused on a coral reef but the experience of
collecting and analyzing data of a waterway is valuable experience contributing
to my long-term goals.
The experiment focuses
on the carbon nitrogen ratios of a stream that is in an area of high urbanization
with lots of surrounding impermeable surface to see if this ratio is affected
by urbanization. To do this we have chosen to look at three areas, one that is
an area of high urbanization, one low to minimal urbanization, and one
downstream from a wastewater plant. To accomplish this, one day every two weeks
I go out into the field and collect water samples from these three locations to
be brought back to the lab. On another day I will in between classes go the lab
and filter the samples and prepare them to be analyzed for carbon nitrogen
content. In preparing the samples, I must remove inorganic carbons by treating
it with hydrochloric acid. After treatment,
I found my samples had increased in weight even though the inorganic carbon was
removed this was due to the fact that the carbonates were replaced with a
heavier chloride making the samples gain weight. Chemistry.