I became interested the Translating Significant Biological Data through a
Novel, Intuitive Graphical User Interface project through a
professor I had for my major. The professor, Shanshan Cui, reached out to me explaining the project and
the role I would play in making this novel tool. I joined the team because I wanted
the experience of working with a team from multiple disciplines and to be part of designing a tool that scientist may actually use. The project related to my long-term goals by allowing me to gain experience in
designing and coding a website. When I graduate college, I want to work
for agency or company that allows me to work with a team to get a project done.
Once the project began, there were several tasks that I did on a weekly basis. One of the major tasks I did was designing
and creating a brand for the website alongside two other designers. The design process
began with sketches that turned into wireframes in Adobe XD. In Adobe XD, the wireframes evolved as the
designed changed for the novel tool that would be completely
functional website by the end of the summer.
The branding aspect was formed through the design,
which included selection of the color palette and typography, and the creation of the logo for the novel tool.
The second major task I did was coding several of the designed page in Adobe
Dreamweaver. As a graphic designer, my focus was on the HTML and CSS code of the page. Lastly, towards the end of the project my third
task was touching up the design and code for the
website to ensure optimal usability for users of the tool. The touching up included making sure elements on the
page were aligned up properly, adjusting font size and weights where needed, and optimizing the code. Overall, the weekly task ensured that the final website was user friendly and
cohesive. During this summer term Idiscovered the importance of breaking a major
project into smaller projects in order to stay on track to get the final project done on time.