Friday, April 1, 2016

FWS Student Highlights: Frah Ejaz

The project I am currently working on analyzes land patterns up to the Earth’s core. It consists of a surplus amount of photography analysis that was introduced years before but due to lack of research assistants the project remained untouched for more than fifteen years. The project is now restarted with Mrs. Linda Hinnov who is in the department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences. The photographs were first printed out and placed in a binder fifteen years back. When the project restarted all the photographs were scanned onto a computer and put in separate files based on location in the land. What I actually do on a weekly basis is work on Microsoft Excel and enter data I interpreted of the digital photographs saved onto the computer, in an organized fashion. If I am not entering data on Excel then I convert files that were scanned of land patterns to suit certain programs or do little tasks that are pending.

One thing I discovered this week was how much history can be stored in land patterns that may provide answers to certain catastrophes or land problems and why they occur. This will not only answer many mysteries but also may propose new ways to keep the environment and land healthy. We can gain knowledge about what harms the environment and what might save it from catastrophes. Also, if the weather is the cause of some harm to land then we may study when it occurred and if action can be taken for it. This is related to my long-term goals because since I am a Biology major I will have to take many different classes, some being on the environment. This inspired me to learn more about that and pinpoint my interests to direct me to take certain types of classes that I will most likely enjoy. It also directed me into what topics I would most likely be interested in becoming a research assistant for.