My research project has to do with the concepts of social
support and mental stress among international students at George Mason
University. Specifically, I am interested in the association (if any) between
international students’ living situation and their levels of perceived social
support and perceived stress. Students who befriend nationals of the country in
which they are studying often adjust easier and undergo less acculturative
stress. Because of this, my hypothesis is that international students at GMU
who live with at least one American will experience more social support and
less stress.
My involvement in the global community at Mason sparked my
interest in this project. As I have participated in many international
organizations and lived with exchange students, I have repeatedly watched my
new shy, nervous friends become confident, outgoing people in a matter of
months. I am interested in researching this process of change and why its seems
so much easier for some than it does for others. This research project also
relates to my long term goals as a Community Heath major and potential future
health researcher. I am fascinated by research in this field as it constantly
redefines our ideas of what is “good for us”.
So far, my week to week work with this project has
been more logistical than I had originally imagined. Because I am surveying
human subjects for my research, a large portion of my time has been dedicated
to receiving approval from the Institutional Review Board- an organization
whose existence I was not even aware of a few months ago. This includes a
lengthy application and (in my case…) many revisions. But good news- my project
was finally approved last week! This
means I can begin to administer my survey and collect results in the months to
come. This week I have learned just how to do that using the SurveyMonkey
database. Though this was something I had originally planned on doing months
ago, I am happy to be learning more about the unique process of research and am
excited to hopefully begin seeing some results!